Stack Effect: The Driving Force Behind Heat Loss in Homes and What to Do About It

Stack Effect: The Driving Force Behind Heat Loss in Homes and What to Do About It

In buildings, stack effect is the phenomenon whereby warm air rises in a house and cold air enters to replace it. It is sometimes referred to as the chimney effect because it is also the driving force behind a fireplace draft up a chimney. In most houses, it is the single largest source of read more...

Improving Efficiency of Your Wood Burning Fireplace

Improving Efficiency of Your Wood Burning Fireplace

As cozy as they are, fireplaces typically remove more heat from a house than they contribute, sending up to eight percent of heat pump or furnace-warmed air up and out the chimney. But you don’t have to abandon your wood-burning ambiance–try these solutions that can improve the efficiency of your fireplace. Check Damper First, read more...