DIY Window and Door Weatherproofing

DIY Window and Door Weatherproofing

According to the Department of Energy, drafts can waste 5% to 30% of your heated or cooled interior air; that’s energy and money down the drain. A little weatherproofing goes a long way, and the good news is there are some super easy and inexpensive ways to reduce drafts around windows and doors. Weather read more...

Demystifying your electric bill

Demystifying your electric bill

By annual presidential proclamation, October is Energy Awareness Month. The Federal Energy Management Program is supporting Energy Awareness Month this year with a plan and resources for federal agencies to raise awareness of energy-and water-saving possibilities in their buildings and operations. Here at LEAP, we want to support you by deconstructing and explaining the read more...

Heat Pump Water Heaters: Big Winners for Your Wallet and the Planet

Heat Pump Water Heaters: Big Winners for Your Wallet and the Planet

Domestic water heating costs the average household up to $700 per year. What if you could slash that cost by 60%? Compared to a standard electric storage water heater, a heat pump water heater uses 2-3 times less energy, saving thousands in utility costs over the life of the water heater. How does it read more...

How Often Do I Really Need to Change My HVAC Filter?

How Often Do I Really Need to Change My HVAC Filter?

Replacing the filter in your air conditioning and/or heating system is one of the best and easiest things you can do to keep it working effectively and efficiently. The filter keeps particles (some visible and some not) from getting into the fan and motor. A dirty filter will reduce airflow which causes the system read more...

5 Tips for Efficient Air Conditioning

5 Tips for Efficient Air Conditioning

More than 90 percent of U.S. homes have air conditioners that use 6% of electricity produced in this country at an annual cost of $29 billion to homeowners and 117 million metric tons of carbon dioxide released into the environment. Furthermore, those carbon emissions are predicted to double by 2050 at their current rate. read more...

Managing Indoor Moisture and Humidity

Managing Indoor Moisture and Humidity

Virginia summers mean an inevitable rise in humidity. While this may appear to be a simple outdoor annoyance, the inside of your home can also be negatively affected. There are many vulnerable points in your house that may allow for the build up of moisture, humidity, and eventually mildew and mold. In addition to read more...

Water Conservation is Energy Conservation

Water Conservation is Energy Conservation

Conserving our limited water supplies is always a good idea, but did you know there is also a direct connection between water and energy use? Delivering water and wastewater services is an energy-intensive effort, as the water is treated, pumped to our homes and businesses, then pumped to wastewater facilities to be treated again. read more...

What You Need to Know if it’s Time to Replace Your Heat Pump

What You Need to Know if it’s Time to Replace Your Heat Pump

Replacing an old heat pump with a new Energy Star model can lower electric bills and increase household energy efficiency, but before you call the HVAC installer, prepare yourself with this important information. How do heat pumps work anyway? Most heat pumps include an outside unit and an inside unit, also known as the read more...

Are You Solar Ready?

Are You Solar Ready?

Going solar is a big decision, one that has big potential to greatly reduce your utility costs and your greenhouse gas emissions. Maybe you’re just starting to explore a solar photovoltaic system for your home, or maybe you feel ready to take the plunge. Here are some factors to consider to get solar ready. read more...

Simple Energy Efficiency for Renters

Simple Energy Efficiency for Renters

Being a renter doesn’t mean giving up on energy efficiency. If you rent, you may pay your energy bills directly or they may be factored into the monthly rent. Either way, implementing these simple ideas will save energy and make your home more comfortable. If you pay the electricity bill, you’ll see some cost read more...